Yes, coyote urine does repel raccoons when used appropriately. Coyote urine has been a recommended non-lethal repellent for several pests and is remarkably successful at repelling raccoons.
When a raccoon comes into the smelling distance of the coyote urine, the scent will register with the raccoon, and it will recognize the smell of a coyote and identify it as a threat; this will activate the raccoon’s instinct to avoid the area for fear that a natural predator is frequenting the area.
Benefits Of Coyote Urine Repellents
All Natural
Coyote urine is a natural repellent; as people become more and more aware of the harmful chemicals in and around our home, they are searching for natural remedies that will serve the same end goal but not require the use of chemicals.
If keeping pests away with natural means is essential for you, this is the ticket.
Safer For Pets and Kids
According to the EPA predator urine, “such as coyote and fox urine, are animal byproducts, considered naturally occurring substances, and when used as a repellent have a “non-toxic” mode of action.”
Generally speaking, predator urine is one of the safest repellents compared with other repellents that rely on chemicals.
They are also generally safer than traps and other mechanical methods of pest control.
Widely Available
Coyote Urine Repellents are easy to find and come in various forms (powders, pellets, and liquid form), so they are easy to ship and straightforward to store.
This convenience and availability benefits make this a prime choice for many pest control applications.
Relatively Cheap
The cost of coyote urine is relatively low compared to other repellents.
It is also much cheaper than chemical-based repellents and physical traps over the long run (and safer too).
Negatives Of Coyote Urine Repellents
There are mixed thoughts on if the use of urine-based repellents could actually attract animals to your property.
For the most part, this isn’t a worry with coyote urine; not many other wild animals are attracted to the smell of coyote urine.
Could it attract other coyotes? Some believe coyotes may smell the urine and determine if another coyote has claimed an area before them – in effect, telling them there is already an established territory present. If this were true, then this may repel coyotes from your application area.
Maximizing Efficiency Of Coyote Urine For Repelling Raccoons
You need more than just one line of defense when dealing with big pests. For example, if you’re trying to use predator urine in your garden and that’s the only thing you’re using, and it’s not working, then you’ll want to do something else in your garden too.
Predator urine should be utilized in conjunction with a physical barrier such as garden netting or an electric garden fence. This will improve the effectiveness of both lines of defense.
Remember, in addition to preventative measures such as urine repellents and physical preventative measures such as a barrier, you should always carry out maintenance practices such as removing food sources or other items that may attract raccoons.
If you combine these three lines of defense into your raccoon pest management program, then you will be well on your way to success.
If you use coyote urine over long periods, then the chances are good that over time raccoons and other pests may be desensitized to it; essentially, they may ignore the repellent and realize no true predator threat is in the area.
Olfactory repellents will lose their effectiveness over time; coyote urine is no different. To assist with the perceived threat and deceive garden pests into believing that a coyote is remaining in the area, replace the repellent with fresh applications every week or two.
Lastly, be sure to replace the repellent when heavy rains occur; rain will surely wash away any repellent and significantly reduce the effectiveness.
Different Forms Of Coyote Urine Repellent
Coyote urine repellents can come in different forms: spray, powder, and granules (similar to pellets). Which one you choose may depend on availability and desired application. Generally speaking, the powder will not be as effective outside or in areas with a lot of rain; you would want to go with a solid granule.
A spray is good to use on porous surfaces such as stumps or around mulch beds.
If you are looking for more broad-spectrum protection, which is especially great for large areas or where you have many pets, the granules are the best choice.
Other Methods To Control Raccoons
Live traps are good to use, but keep in mind that raccoons can be a little tricky to trap; they are intelligent creatures and will use their craftiness and intelligence to outsmart many traps unless you are skilled at trap concealment and placement.
Another smell deterrent that some people have tried is the use of ammonia. The smell of ammonia is very pungent and can be effective at repelling some animals. To my knowledge, there have been no studies performed that would evidence any successful tests using ammonia for repelling raccoons, but you are free to try it.
As discussed earlier, a physical barrier such as fencing is one of the absolute best methods for controlling garden pests. In some cases, you could say that it is just as good if not better than using predator urine repellents but definitely is beneficial when combined with other repellent methods.
Light Sources
One standard offering that often works for raccoons is a pest repellent light; you may see these online or in stores where the light source glows a red color to appear like a predatory animal’s eyes. These have some evidence of working with raccoons but again work best as a layer of protection versus the only source of protection.
Closing Thoughts
Coyote urine is an excellent pest repellent if paired with other deterrents; keep this in mind as you develop your raccoon deterrence plan.
Keep in mind that urine will lose its effectiveness over time, and rains can wash away the scent. Marked locations need to be recharged every couple of weeks or more often if it frequently rains after applications.
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