For many people, mice are a real pest when they reside in the house. Mice can lodge in the rooms’ ceiling, walls, lamps, or dark corners. Mice are rodents that carry more than 30 diseases for humans, so we are in the presence of hazardous animals.
The extermination of mice can become a complex issue. If the mice live in ceilings of difficult access, they will generate many headaches. When mice are in inaccessible ceilings, what can I do? How do I get rid of mice in the ceiling without access?
No matter how inaccessible the ceiling is, the first thing to do is to identify where the mice enter, seal those holes, and set traps in their path to the ceiling. You should complement these actions by placing rodenticides, oils, or ultrasonic repellents.
When we hear strange sounds from the roof of the house, we cannot simply ignore them. These sounds are a clear sign of a possible mouse infestation. Ignoring these facts can only aggravate the problem and make it more complex and costly to solve.
Experts recommend getting to work as soon as possible on everything related to the extermination of mice. We will give you detailed and exciting information that will contribute to solving this undesirable problem.
Is It Possible To Know If We Have Mice On The House’s Ceiling?
Yes, many telltale signs will help us to identify if we have a presence of mice on the roof of the house. The first step is to confirm that we have a mice problem, so we will list some signs that may appear in the house and confirm this undesirable visitor’s presence.
- You may hear strange noises at night, especially on the ceiling. During the night, mice tend to scurry and squeak much more than during the day, and gnawing noises are also noticeable.
- You may find droppings and dark stains in areas near the ceiling. When you see paler-shaded droppings, it may mean that the droppings are old and the mice have been living in the ceiling of your house for some time.
- It is undoubtedly a sign of mice if you have unused storage boxes, objects with missing corners or pieces, or simply holes of all shapes and sizes.
- With all these signs, you can confirm if there are mice in the ceiling. It is crucial to note that the size of the nest or infestation will depend on how many of these indicators you find and their magnitude.
How Can I Get Rid Of Mice In Ceilings Without Access?
Having inaccessible ceilings is more common than we think. We can encounter ceilings without attics, cathedral ceilings between floors in two-story houses, apartment ceilings in half-finished buildings, and a host of other varieties that are difficult to review. These roof types are just a few examples of the complex scenarios we may face should mice decide to take up residence on our premises.
But we should not panic; you can also solve these adverse circumstances with a bit of patience. The actions we should do to get rid of mice in inaccessible ceilings are:
- First, we must look for holes in the outer lower part of the house. We have to look around pipes, ducts, cables, and vents to check if there are any unsealed holes. We must check all dark corners and spaces near the roof for evidence of entry paths. Experts recommend checking the joints between foundation sills and walls. With all the information clear, professional exterminators recommend making an illustrative map of all these possible entrances.
- We should also check all the grilles, the window and door frames, chimney flashings, attic, and ceiling fans.
- We must do a deep cleaning of the whole house. This cleaning requires great dedication and effort since we must include all surfaces where we prepare food. Mice are attracted to food and will use the ceiling as their particular buffet, where they will bring all the food they get in the house. Keep in mind that food scraps on shelves, pet dishes, and crumbs on the floor are a source of food for mice.
- The next thing to do is to fill in and seal any holes half an inch wide or less to prevent mice from continuing to enter the house through these inconvenient openings.
- In the case of the larger holes, we must plug them with thick metal sheets that we must securely fasten to the wall. To create metal sheets adapted to the size of the hole, we can use tin snips.
- After the process of covering all possible accesses to the house, we must proceed to the placement of the traps. A thoughtful way to catch a mouse is by using traps. It would help if you placed the traps near the access points to the house’s roof. Many people use single-use or refillable bait traps; these traps are quite effective.
- Consider using ultrasonic or strobe devices/repellents. These devices emit ultrasonic frequencies, accompanied by strobe lights that cause so much discomfort to the mice that they leave their own volition.
- The use of poison. The most common rodenticides contain anticoagulant agents. These agents cause the death of the mouse by internal bleeding. The significant disadvantage of this method is that it can be hazardous for children or pets if they ingest the poison in the bait. However, this poison is very effective for use in hard-to-reach ceilings.
Are There Ways To Prevent Mice From Taking Up Residence In The Ceiling?
A basic premise we must understand to avoid this problem is that prevention is the key. If we take preventive measures in time, we prevent mice from seeing our house and roof as their next home. Some preventive measures we can take are:
- Trimming shrubs that brush against the house or are too close to it is advisable. After cutting the bushes, keep the wood pieces at least 4 meters away from home. This action makes it difficult for mice to climb onto the roof.
- It is convenient to place the ultrasonic or strobe devices on the ceiling, in the attic, or nearby.
- We must develop the habit of systematically cleaning all the leftover food or crumbs in the kitchen; this point is fundamental to avoid attracting mice to the house.
- The experts recommend storing objects we do not use in demanding and resistant plastic containers that we can close hermetically. These containers prevent the mice from gnawing and getting material to make their nests.
Other Relevant Elements That Are Related To The Infestation Of Mice In The Ceiling
When mice enter the home, we can face a more complex situation than it seems. Suppose this is the first time this has happened to you. In that case, it is essential to have as much information as possible before deciding the best way to exterminate this pest. Some aspects of being aware of are:
- In principle, having a pet dog or cat could serve as a primary mouse repellent. However, we cannot entrust our pets with eliminating this pest. Besides, our furry friends won’t be able to climb very high in case the mice are on the ceiling.
- Suppose you have already tried all possible home solutions, or you are a do-it-yourselfer, and the mice are still in your case. In that case, it is better to think about a professional alternative. There may come a time when we will have to call in professional exterminators to end this situation. Remember that this service will cost you between $150 and $500.
- When using an ultrasonic device, experts recommend using it continuously for only one week, pausing it for several days, and then using it again. This method is because prolonged use can make mice immune to its effect.
- When the mice die in the ceiling, we will have a strong smell of decomposition for about 15 days. Ideally, locate the dead mouse, dispose of the body, disinfect the area, and eliminate the odor. If access to the ceiling is limited, we can use odor neutralizers such as coffee grounds and wait patiently for the odor to pass.
A Final Thought On Getting Rid Of Mice In Hard-To-Reach Ceilings
No one can say that having mice in the ceiling is not a problem, but the good news is that there are solutions. We can solve this situation ourselves with some planning, patience, information, and suitable materials.
Solving this invasion consists of identifying and confirming the problem, cleaning the areas, sealing the access points, and placing traps or poison to exterminate the rodents.