Bees and wasps might be a big problem for humans, but they are a particular danger for our pets, especially for dogs. Our buddies tend to be curious and nosy, so their interactions with these insects are harmful when they feel threatened by humans or our dogs, as they become aggressive and act in self-defense to protect themselves and their home, So getting rid of them might sound like the best prevention option. But what about using wasp spray? Is it toxic to dogs?
The level of toxicity of wasp spray might get your dog sick, and depending on how sensitive your dog is, it can experience some seizures, have a severe reaction, and it can even be fatal. However some 100% organic insecticides are entirely safe to use around the house if you have a pet.
Wasps can be a bigger problem than bees, as they can sting several times in just one episode, so the danger for our dogs increases, however, a regular pesticide should be used with precaution as it contains some active ingredients that are harmful to pets. Two of these are pyrethrins and pyrethroids; more about these later on. Keep reading if you want to know about symptoms, treatments, and recovery. We will also cover the diagnosis and some information about pyrethrin and pyrethroids.
Symptoms of Insecticide Poisoning on Dogs
Even when we are cautious, we cannot control what our pets do all the time, especially for breeds of dogs with a bigger physique. In case your dog has inhaled or ingested some insecticide, it may exhibit the following symptoms:
- Increased heart rate
- Excessive drooling
- Gagging
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Difficulty breathing
- Lack of appetite
- Diarrhea
- Tremors
- Agitation
- Convulsions
Diagnosis of Insecticide Poisoning
The diagnosis of insecticide poisoning can usually be made based on the dog’s medical history and clinical findings. It would be best to bring a sample of the pesticide with you if you know or suspect that your dog is having an adverse reaction to it; this way, the veterinarian may prescribe the proper therapy. It is crucial to tell the veterinarian about your dog’s symptoms, including how long they have been present and how severe the symptoms have been.
Before confirming the diagnosis, the veterinarian will provide treatment for the symptoms to prevent the condition from becoming fatal. In some cases, it could be necessary to run some blood and urine tests so the diagnosis can be confirmed, but this does not work with every insecticide.
The veterinarian will confirm a positive case if cholinesterase levels in the blood are less than 25% of expected values. If you are not sure that your dog has been exposed to a pesticide and the symptoms do not disappear after treatment, it is unlikely that your dog has been poisoned by an insecticide.
Treatment and Recovery of Insecticide Poisoning
Whether your dog ingested the insecticide or got it on himself will determine the treatment, but the goal will always be the same, the decontamination and management of the symptoms. In the case of insecticide being in contact with your dog’s skin, a simple bath with dishwashing detergent before the pesticide is absorbed will likely be sufficient to cleanse your dog.
If your dog ingested the insecticide, it would need to be pumped from your dog’s stomach, which might be done by inducing vomiting to empty the intestines in most situations. This procedure should be done by a veterinarian, as vomiting is not recommended for some insecticides; in such cases, activated charcoal may be given by the veterinarian to bind toxins and stop them from being absorbed.
Dehydrated dogs may require IV fluid therapy, while convulsions may require anti-seizure medicine and a respirator, or oxygen cage, to help with breathing. The doctor will focus on treating your dog’s symptoms until the pesticide has been drained out of its system. It is also possible that your dog will need to be hospitalized for treatment, monitoring, and supportive care.
It is highly important to provide your dog with a safe and quiet environment during the recovery process and allow it to rest as soon as you get back home. Make sure your pet has easy access to freshwater, and you are monitoring to check if there are returning or new symptoms so that you can inform the veterinarian if there is any change.
Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids for Your Dog
Pyrethrins or synthetic equivalents are used as active components in wasp sprays and many other pesticides. Many flea control treatments for dogs contain pyrethrins as an active component.
In general, it could be okay for a dog to be in an area sprayed with wasp spray, just as it is safe for most dogs to take anti-parasite medicines containing pyrethrins.
If your dog is susceptible to this naturally produced element, pyrethrin and pyrethroid poisoning can happen, according to
Symptoms Caused by Pyrethrin Intoxication.
Wasp spray can cause seizures in dogs; however, this is an uncommon thing. The pesticide can be ingested, inhaled, or absorbed by your dog’s skin, footpads, or eyes.
Excessive drooling, vomiting, agitation, weakness, tremors, and trouble breathing are some of the signs of pyrethrin or pyrethroid poisoning.
If your dog shows signs of being affected by wasp spray, contact your veterinarian immediately. If your dog has ever shown or experienced an allergic reaction to flea treatment, keep the dog away from places where you apply wasp spray or other pesticides as a precaution.
Other Possible Toxic Elements Present in Pesticides
Other elements can be found in pesticides, including wasp spray, that can be harmful to your canine. Here are some different types of insecticides and some useful information about each:
The term SLUD is the most simple and effective method to recognize carbamate insecticide toxicity. SLUD stands for (salivation, lacrimation, urination, and diarrhea).
Muscle tremors, moderate hypothermia, and hypersalivation are all caused by a 5x-10x increase in d-Limonene therapy.
It is one of the safest pesticides, but it has been linked to severe reproductive consequences, and it should not be used on animals producing milk.
Some pesticides are typically used to prevent dogs from getting fleas and ticks. Although they may usually be administered topically without injuring your dog, they may still be in danger, and there might be a negative response if your dog ingested the pesticide. You can potentially harm your dog if a plant or residual feed pesticide is ingested or absorbed in any way.
With many things in life, prevention is the best approach; and with insecticides, poisoning prevention is way easier than treating and curing. Here are some suggestions to prevent insecticide poisoning:
- Before using any tick or flea medicine on your dog, read the directions carefully and only use the appropriate amount for your pet´s size.
- Keep any pesticides out of reach of your dog and store them according to the manufacturer’s directions.
- Try to use organic and pet-friendly pesticides in your home.
- If your pet likes rolling about in the grass or playing in the fields, try to take your dog somewhere where pesticides are not utilized.
- Give your dog a footbath when you arrive home after a walk. Residual pesticide may persist on its footpads and coat if you come across a place you suspect has been sprayed with pesticide.
Last Words
It will always be better safe than sorry, including handling pesticides such as wasp spray around your dog. To keep your buddy healthy, use organic products and follow the suggestions above.
Most of the time, it will not always be toxic, but in case of your dog being exposed to wasp spray, keep it under observation to see if it has an adverse reaction to the wasp spray, so you can take it to the veterinarian. Remember it’s important to take with you a sample of the pesticide to get your dog the right treatment before it becomes fatal.
Insecticide Poisoning Symptoms
Bee and Wasp Sting Toxicity In Pets