Why Do Bees Always Fly in Your Face?

by Derrick | Last Updated: January 6, 2023

Bees are amazing creatures. They pollinate our food, keep our environment healthy, and are just very beneficial to have around. However, bees can sometimes be a bit of a nuisance when they decide to swarm near your face! 

Bees may be flying in your face because of a scent you have on, a color you’re wearing, or something near you, like sweets or food. Your location may also have something to do with it. Bees like to hang out near gardens and their hives.

Below I will cover some reasons why you might be attracting bees in different ways and how you can stop them from being so much of an annoyance.

Bees May Be Attracted to Something on You

Bees and other flying insects have been around for millions of years, so it’s safe to say they’ve had plenty of time to figure out how to get around without crashing into things while buzzing around looking for food or flowers. 

So why would an insect with wings fly straight into something solid like your face?

There are two simple answers: it’s something you’re wearing or something near you. Let’s examine the first possibility.

Sweat, Perfume, and Other Scents Can Attract Bees

If you notice bees flying around you, it’s likely because you’re emitting some kind of scent. Bees are extremely sensitive to smells and can be attracted to sweat because of its salt content. In some cases, plants even put out scents to attract bees!

Perfume and other artificial scents may also attract bees. They’re especially attracted to sweet, floral fragrances. Other scented products, such as hairspray, could have a scent the bees like. 

You can fix this issue simply by avoiding scented products.

However, bees are mostly harmless. If you see a bee flying near your face or clothing, try not to swat at it. As long as dozens of insects are not nesting on or around your person (which would require professional help), there should be no need to worry!

A Color You’re Wearing May Attract a Bee

Have you ever been targeted by a bee, and someone nearby has said that it’s because they think you’re a flower? There is a little bit of truth to this. 

Bees are attracted to color by design (design of both bee and flower, of course) because it helps them determine what is and isn’t a flower. If you’re wearing bright colors, a bee may think it’s landing near or on a plant. 

Some even say the color can affect their temperament—red may make bees more aggressive. This would be especially confusing to a bee if you also smelt like flowers or used floral scented wash on your clothing. 

This may go for makeup as well. Suppose you’re wearing bright-colored eyeshadow, lipstick, or a sweet lip gloss flavor. In that case, you’ll likely be a target for bees. But don’t be scared! They don’t want to sting, just pollinate. Until they find out you’re not a flower, that is. 

They May Like the Food You’re Eating

Bees are attracted to food, both the sweet kind and the kind you eat. Typically, bees use nectar for energy. Here’s a video of a bee “nectar drunk” off a flower:

In addition to being attracted by sugary foods and drinks, bees are also drawn to fruit because of its smell. If you’re eating a piece of fruit nearby, bees may be drawn toward it—and if they’re really interested in what you have, they may even fly into your face! They can be drawn to sweets like honey, sugar, or sugary substances like soda.

Bees Are Attracted to Certain Environments

If you’re not a beekeeper, it’s natural to be curious about why your local bees have such an interest in you. Most of us are scared of bees, anyway—who wants to get stung, especially in the face? 

Bees aren’t all that aggressive, though. While they may seem aggressive, bees are quite docile and won’t sting unless they feel threatened. The fact is that bees are just trying to protect their hive and the queen bee inside of it.

However, be sure it’s a bee you’re dealing with. If it’s a hornet, carpenter bee, or something more nefarious, you’ll need a little more than just patience to deal with it!

You May Be Near the Beehive

Bees will only sting if they feel like their colony has been threatened by a perceived enemy—like when someone accidentally steps on one of their hives or gets too close with bright clothing (particularly red, as we mentioned above). This is one of the only times they’ll get aggressive, mainly because they are bred to protect their queen.

Once stung by a bee, most people experience swelling and pain around their injury site for several days before healing. Usually, a sting heals completely on its own over time. No medical treatment is needed beyond that first day.

Bees Enjoy Gardens Where They Can Pollinate

They are social insects that live in large colonies and depend on each other for survival. While many think their main jam is making honey, their entire purpose is to support pollination efforts. This video explains it:

Bees can be helpful if you want them to pollinate your flowers or crops. Without them, our entire ecosystem would likely collapse. Pollination is essential to how fruit, vegetables, and flowers grow. 

With that being said, if you’re near the garden, this may be the reason bees are constantly flying into your face. You’re technically in their way as they pollinate! 

There Might Be a Nest in Your Garden

Now, if there’s a swarm nearby and that’s why bees keep flying in your face, you may need to call a professional. 

The first step in avoiding bee attacks is to ensure you don’t have a nest or swarm of honey bees in your yard. Honeybees are very territorial and defend their territory aggressively if they feel threatened. 

If you’ve moved into a house where there had previously been an established hive, some of the bees will likely return to their old home periodically to check on it and/or clean it out. The best way to avoid having your face attacked by a returning bee is to remove all traces of their nest from your property so that they know there’s nothing left for them there anymore.

To determine whether or not this is an issue for you, look closely at each outside wall of your home near ground level (i.e., below window sills). If there are cracks or holes around windows, pipes, or electrical wires inside these walls—even small ones—bees may use those openings to come inside and nest.


Bees are one of the most important animals on this planet, and they should be treated as such. Bee populations are declining at an alarming rate, and if we don’t do something soon, we may lose them forever.

Luckily, bees aren’t aggressive unless they believe you’re invading their territory. If you ever find yourself in a situation where bees bother you, it’s best to contact a professional before dealing with it yourself.